
Principal Investigator

Linda Zou, PhD
I am an Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of Maryland, where I study stereotyping, prejudice, and intergroup relations. I received my PhD in Psychology from the University of Washington in Seattle in 2019. My current research interests include the role of immigration in shaping modern U.S. race relations, and the effects of changing demographics and growing racial and cultural diversity. Zou is pronounced “Zoh.”

Lab Manager

Maddie Hammer (she/her)
I received my B.A. in Psychology and Sociology from Washington University in St. Louis, Spring 2024. My research interests focus on how individuals with multiple marginalized identities experience unique forms of oppression that are often overlooked or excluded from conversation. In my free time, I enjoy thrifting, listening to new music, and discovering hidden city gems. :) 

PhD Students

David Xiao
I am a 4th year doctoral candidate in the Social, Decisional, and Organizational Sciences area here at UMD. I received my B.A. in psychology from the University of California, Riverside. My research interests are around the topics of intra-minority relations, shared reality, and authenticity. Other than on campus, you may catch me lifting weights at the UMD Eppley Recreation center or participating in long distance running events (e.g., Rock and Roll Half Marathon) around DC.

Debbie Nguyen
I am a 1st year graduate student in the Social, Decisional, and Organizational Sciences area. I received a B.A. in Psychology with a minor in Chemistry from Chapman University. I am broadly interested in the realms of racial identity, stereotyping and prejudice, and political behaviors. In my free time, I love to explore the local art scene, go to the movies, and try new foods!

Research Assistants

  • I received my B.A. in psychology from the University of Maryland, College Park in Spring 2023. My research interests involve understanding how racial identity and racialized experiences impact the mental health and well-being of people of color and exploring how psychology can utilize interventions and protective factors to promote better psychological and social functioning among these groups. In my free time, I enjoy lifting weights, playing basketball, and admiring nature.

  • I am an undergraduate student at UMD majoring in Psychology, and I am specifically interested in Social Psychology as well as Industrial-Organizational Psychology. I am currently exploring my research interests and getting more involved around campus. My hobbies include exercising, watching kdramas, listening to instrumental music, and reading history books!

  • I am an undergraduate studying Psychology. I am interested in learning about how stereotypes and discrimination impact the Latinx community. I enjoy watching movies, shopping, and gardening!

  • I am an undergraduate who studies Psychology with minors in Asian American Studies and Sociology. My passion is therapy and counseling, specifically Asian American mental health and destigmatizing therapy treatments. In my free time I practice cello, play video games, and follow online content creators.

  • TBA

  • TBA

  • I am a current undergraduate studying Psychology. I am interested in examining how the deep rooted racism and prejudice stemming from the White community has an affect on how other minority groups see one another. I am also interested in examining how White Americans respond to the ever growing diversity in schools & workplaces. For fun, I love to read and watch films, as well as creating unique Pinterest boards!

  • I am an undergraduate who studies Psychology with minors in Neuroscience and Spanish. I am passionate about understanding social and biological psychology and how this may relate to identity based prejudiced behaviors. In my free time I sing A Capella, love arts and crafts, and express myself through fashion and interior design.

  • I’m the gremlin that lives in Linda’s apartment. My research interests are in investigating which couch fabrics feel the best to destroy with my little claws. My favorite foods are hair ties and plants.

Lab Alumni

Lab Managers
Max Miller — PhD student, Purdue University
Dylan Cooper

Research Assistants
Kiana Goetze
Sarah Moghaddam — lab manager, Stanford SPARQ
Adriana Santana-Ufret
Michael Wu
Sarah O’Donnell
Isabella Stoepel
Eesha Bokil
Joyce Li — PhD student, University at Albany
Isabel Hertz-Miñoso
Jimin Kim
Saul Sawilowsky